The Day I Installed Ruby on Rails

In mid-May, I bought myself a ticket to the upcoming Windy City Rails conference.

Only problem was, I had not used Rails yet. I'd had so many issues setting it up on Windows that I loaded Linux to my laptop just to get it to download. It'll be okay, I thought. I had the Rails framework downloaded now. I bought a Rails course on Udemy that I could watch. I had a few months before the conference. I could just use that time to learn. I had it in the bag.

Except I didn't.

It is now July 24th; I have less than 2 months before Windy City Rails and have not yet touched Rails. I'm off work today and up for a project, so I decided it was a good day to play.

* Before continuing, it is worth noting that I tried installing Rails a few months ago, when I still had my HP Stream 13. I ran out of hard drive space and couldn't install, so I bought a new Asus laptop. Then Microsoft wouldn't play nice with the Nokogiri gem, so I loaded Linux Mint. Finally got the Rails framework installed. *

I open my terminal, type in $ rails --version. It assures me I have Rails version 4.2.6. Sweet! I follow the steps at the Ruby on Rails guide to create a new blog, then run the $ bundle install command (even tossing in sudo, to be safe.) I watched the updates carefully, biting my lip as the Nokogiri gem loaded. That particular gem has given me issues in the past, so I breathed a sigh of relief when it loaded. The rest of the update continued…..


WHAT?? I'm running Ruby version 2.3.1!!!

I get to Google post haste. There's a workaround on Github. I try it – it works!

I do, however, make a note not to trust this mime-types-data thing in the future.

Okay, great. Bundle install worked, new blog file opened, and I'm told I need to get the Rails application server running. Seems simple enough. I run the $ bin/rails server command.


You've got to be shitting me.

Dude, I don't even know what an Uglifier gem is. Back to Google, where this time I find some help from our friendly neighborhood Stack Overflow folks. The explanation there corresponds with a side note from the Rails guide. I also start feeling better as I've at least seen NodeJS before.

I try again to run $ bin/rails server. It works!!

Rails is now, finally, up and running on my computer.

Next time I plan to actually build something. 

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