About Me

Hi! I'm Demiera. I help busy people become more efficient and productive. 

I am a Certified Administrative Professional with a specialty in Organizational Management, and have held various administrative roles in multiple industries over the past 10 years. I've picked up a lot of tips and principles along the way, and I'm here to share what I've learned with others.

If you are a busy person who could use an assistant but can't afford one just yet, you're in the right place! A lot of the tips you'll find here are perfect for personal use. If you are an assistant,  you'll also find some tricks here that will immediately make you more efficient.

Have a question, suggestion or simply want to connect? Come visit me at LinkedIn, use the contact form below, or email me at demiera.harris@gmail.com. I will personally respond to your email within 24 hours.

What is Novo Passio? 

Novo Passio (Latin for "new passion") started in July 2015, in a basement apartment in Chicago, after a conversation with a friend who wanted to improve his standard of living but had no idea where to start. The mission is to provide clear and easy-to-navigate information about personal and professional development, all in one place. The industry is undergoing a "changing of the guard"; Novo Passio aims to preserve the wisdom of the older generation, while embracing the new technologies and approaches of the new generation.

Novo Passio contains a wealth of resources that can help you improve in the following areas of your life: 

- Organization

- Productivity
- Technical Skills
- Mindset/Motivation

Novo Passio will stay by your side throughout your journey, providing you with articles, book reviews, and empowerment. 

You can start the ride by signing up for the email list [coming soon]. 

Copyright © 2016. Demiera Harris.
Design by Herdiansyah Hamzah. & Distributed by Free Blogger Templates
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